Today is Bailey's 10th birthday. How did he celebrate? By going to the doctor and having a cyst removed from under his eye. Poor baby! He is so groggy, he didn't even want to eat dinner, let alone enjoy some Frosty Paws! Maybe this weekend he will get to have a party.
We went to a Hospice fundraiser at The Natoma tonight and everyone kept telling us we needed to update the blog - so here you go!! We have been pretty busy lately. We are getting ready to put the house on the market so we spent last weekend cleaning the basement. It feels really good to get all of the junk out of there! It is amazing what you can collect over an 11-year span!! Now, we just need to get the mildew and spiderwebs cleaned up - I think Kel's allergies will be much improved once that project is done! It probably won't be ready to list until the Spring, though, because there is some outdoor painting and concrete work that needs to be done, as well. At least we have a plan, though, so we are making progress!
Well, it is time for bed. One of my favorite contestants got voted off American Idol tonight (17 year old, Alaina), so I am not very happy, but I am sure I will get over it. They still aren't as good as Kelly Clarkson anyway!! :)